Atteans refers to the dominant alien species that lives on Atee.


Their mission is to serve the the Snake King and expand their Empire.


For 98% Percent of Atteian history, they where dumb and mindless. Then when the Snake King was born, he grew up and for some reason, he was 1,000,000 times more smarter then the rest of the atteians. Then he built a machine to make an attean smart, when an Attean is born, they have to pre-program its brain or else they grow up dumb.

Things they Eat/Drink

  • Atteains don’t drink water. Instead, they drink mercury.
  • Water is poisonous and deadly to Atteans.
  • All they eat is Artifical foods


  • The Ateeains have several experimentation robots that are spherical shaped. The radius of these spheres are nearly one inch and the robots make a sound that is similar to how the English word too is pronounced.